How is Syphilis Transmitted?
Often, the fear of the unknown is a lot worse than the reality of a situation. Such is the case with syphilis. Syphilis is a common STD that can cause major damage to a number of internal systems –– if it’s left undiagnosed and untreated. So while it poses a major threat as a disease, the truth is it’s also easy to eradicate early in its development with modern antibiotics. If you’re worried that you might have an STD like syphilis, or you’re wondering how is syphilis transmitted –– then know that you’ve come to the right place. We’ll outline everything you need to know about this common STD here:
How does Syphilis Spread?
Though syphilis is often referred to as the “great imitator,” within the medical field, one characteristic sets it apart from other STDs: chancres. Chancres are small, round, typically painless syphilitic sores. In basic terms, syphilis spreads from one person to another through these chancres. However, like almost every other STD, you can’t contract syphilis through casual contact with someone else (i.e. hugging, shaking hands, sharing a soda). Instead, syphilis is spread through oral, anal, and vaginal sex –– and occasionally through deep kissing or prolonged bodily contact with a chancre. Also, pregnant women can pass syphilis to their unborn babies. (To reiterate this vital point: all pregnant women should get tested for STDs!)
The 3 Stages of Syphilis
The development of syphilis is marked by three distinct stages. The first begins with the appearance of the initial chancre, and typically occurs within the first month of infection. This stage can last anywhere from three to six weeks. The difficulty most people encounter with this stage is that they don’t realize they even have syphilis. Either the chancres appear so innocuous that they dismiss them, or they manifest in difficult-to-spot places (within the vagina or anus, for example).
The second stage of syphilis sees the introduction of rashes and lesions. Additionally, some people experience fever, swollen glands, hair loss, headaches, weight loss, and fatigue. Just like the first stage, the second stage will pass whether or not you seek treatment. Note, then: don’t be fooled by an abatement in your symptoms. It does not mean you’re “in the clear.” The only way to know that for sure is to get tested.
Next, syphilis typically enters its “latent phase,” and people can, and have, lived with syphilis for years without further incident. Finally though, syphilis’s third stage can occur decades after initial contraction. Consider this the worst-case scenario. In this last stage, syphilis can become fatal and affect the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, and/or liver. Furthermore, syphilis can enter the nervous system or a person’s eyes at any point during its development. The effects of neurosyphilis can include headaches, paralysis, and dementia, while ocular syphilis can result permanent blindness.
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