How to Identify Herpes Discharge
Several different STDs may cause genital discharge to occur. The most common of the “discharge-producing” infections are gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. Typically, women will experience discharge as a result of an STD more than men. (It’s worth noting that women experience normal discharge in the form of menstruation and the expulsion vaginal fluids.) However, herpes is not an STD that is typically associated with genital discharge. In fact, herpes discharge is rather rare. Below, we’ll outline what symptoms are most common to herpes and explain what may cause unusual discharge:
How Rare is Herpes Discharge?
Vaginal discharge is not a common herpes symptom, but it does happen from time to time. Men, though, will not experience penile discharge as a result of a herpes infection. Herpes discharge only occurs when the cervix becomes inflamed. Herpes blisters that form within the vagina can lead to cervicitis, which in turn may lead to unusual vaginal discharge, bloody discharge, or bleeding in between periods. There are several things to keep in mind here, though. First, vaginal discharge can come about for a number of reasons –– including non-STD conditions. And second, other STDs are more likely to incite discharge than herpes.
Identifying “Unusual” Discharge
As stated above, some forms of vaginal discharge are normal. Unusual discharge may be denoted by strange color, consistency, odor, frequency, or the presence of blood. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis are the STDs that most frequently cause vaginal (and penile) discharge. STD-related discharge may also be accompanied by a number of other symptoms including pain during urination, itching/tingling sensations, and discomfort during intercourse.
Common Herpes Symptoms
Herpes, like other STDs, can remain asymptomatic for long periods of time. In reality, most people who have herpes won’t notice any outward signs of the disease. This means that many people may be unaware that they have it. Unfortunately, you can still transmit/contract herpes even when no symptoms are present. When herpes does manifest outwardly, it tends to do so in the following ways:
- Bumps or blisters
- Fever
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Painful urination
In addition, herpes blisters may also occur in the mouth. And herpes can spread to the mouth or the genitals through oral sex. What’s more, herpes is one of the easiest STDs to contract. You can get herpes through skin-to-skin contact, which means that simply kissing someone can lead to infection. Even condoms are unable to effectively prevent herpes transmission. Herpes is a viral disease and thus incurable. However, there are treatments available to reduce both the frequency and severity of herpes breakouts.
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