Infidelity STDs: How to Deal With STDs in Your Relationship
Partners in a committed relationship may experience problems with STDs just like single individuals. Of course, dealing with infidelity and possible STD transmission/contraction while in a relationship creates its own set of unique problems. With that in mind, today we’re going to share some key facts about infidelity STDs. Below, we’ll address how people get STDs, how to tell your partner about a positive STD test, and what you should do if you think you or your partner may have an STD.
STD Transmission 101
There are only a few select ways that someone can get an STD. The first, and most obvious, is through sexual interaction with a person who has an STD. This includes oral, anal, and vaginal sex. In addition, some STDs –– like herpes –– spread through skin-to-skin contact. It’s possible to contract herpes from kissing a person with the disease.
Individuals may also contract STDs by sharing needles with those infected. Lastly, pregnant women with an STD may pass it on to their child during birth.
(STDs do not appear out of thin air!)
STD Signs and Symptoms
If you suspect that your partner has cheated on you and contracted an STD, it’s important to note that you can’t tell if someone has an STD just by looking at them. Yes, there are certain common symptoms of STDs like genital bumps, painful urination, rashes, and/or irregular discharge that are noticeable. However, many STD symptoms can be caused by other medical conditions as well. Painful urination, for instance, may be the result of a UTI and not chlamydia. The only way to know for sure if you’re STD-free is to get tested. So don’t assume anything.
One final thing: it’s possible for your partner to test positive for an STD without cheating. Since STDs can remain in the body for long periods of time, they may have contracted the infection months or even years ago but not noticed it.
STDs After Infidelity
If, on the other hand, you know that either you or your partner has had a sexual encounter with someone else, then it’s important to deal with the possibility of STDs. It only takes one sexual encounter to contract an STD. And you can even get an STD if you use a condom. (Though, condom usage does significantly lower that risk.)
In addition, many STDs can be asymptomatic for long periods of time. Just because you don’t notice any symptoms, it doesn’t mean that you or your partner are “in the clear.” Also, though STD symptoms may disappear over time, the infection can still remain in the system all the same. Some STDs, like syphilis, may remain dormant for decades.
Dealing with STDs
STDs may be common, but they’re also dangerous. They can cause a variety of serious medical conditions including urethral scarring, infertility, nerve damage, paralysis, and even death. As such, it’s imperative that couples deal with the possibility of STDs in a responsible manner.
Here are a few best practices to remember:
- Get tested every time you enter into a new relationship and ask your partner to do the same. Many people have an STD and don’t even know about it until they get tested!
- Be aware of common STD warning signs and symptoms.
- Get tested after every sexual encounter outside of the relationship. It only takes one encounter to contract an STD.
- Be honest and communicate with your partner. It’s not easy to talk about STDs, but if you don’t, you could seriously compromise your health and the health of your partner(s).
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I’ve been married with the same partner for 10 years ( my only partner for 12) we’ve had 3 children and I’m almost certain std test was performed as I had a concern I had herpes during one of my pregnancies. With that being said the last 6 months or so I’ve been having foul orders along with bloody discharge/white and pelvic discomfort – also been informed my husband tried to date a girl at the gym and that’s left my mind racing could i have an std that’s laid dormant 12 years??? Or infidelity a possibility? I have a appointment this week to set my mind at ease but I feel like a crazy person. I want to give benefit of doubt if something could lay dormant and test negative over the 6 years ago I was tested.
ReplyMany STD’s impacting women in particular can have no sysmptoms, while still being infectious and of course able to pass that infection during sexual contact. If you are having discharge along with the odor, it’s possible you have trichomaniasis although other STD’s can cause odor as well. We would need to get more information before determining appropriate testing, one of the many services our patients value. Based on your described symptoms, it sounds more likely you have a recent infection and testing is the first step to improving your health!
ReplyMy wife cheated on me with 2 different men. She claims she wore condoms but she tested positive for Trichomoniasis. She claims they couldn’t have given it to her because I was almost a month before symptoms and she says symptoms show up in 5 days. If didn’t cheat on her but I am very concerned. I am right outside Birmingham, Alabama
ReplyActually, men typically show no systems of Trichomoniasis and can easily transmit the infection their partner. Women can be infected externally in the outer part of the genitals (vulva) and urethra as well as the vagina. Symptoms actually range from 4-28 days but the infection can spread anytime, regardless of symptoms. Get tested, that’s the best path for peace of mind and treatment, when needed.