Pubic Itching: 6 Common Causes
There are few things more irritating than a constant itch. What’s more, experiencing a bad itch in the pubic area is particularly vexatious. Unfortunately, pubic itching can occur for a number of reasons, and determining the cause of pubic itching can be difficult. With that in mind, today we’ll focus on six common reasons for pubic itching. Plus, we’ll share what you can do to ensure your well-being and treat genital itching:
#1 Jock Itch
Unsurprisingly, jock itch can trigger intense irritation and itching in the pubic region. Jock itch is a fungal infection that thrives in damp, moist environments. Jock itch is contagious, and you can get it by sharing towels, clothes, or through close contact with another person. On the plus side, it’s fairly straightforward to treat and cure jock itch with anti-fungal medication.
#2 Allergies
Allergies to certain fabrics, chemicals, lotions, lubricants, soaps, and even natural fluids like semen can lead to genital itching. It’s a good idea to read and review the ingredients of any new skin care product before you begin use.
#3 Razor Burn & Ingrown Hairs
If you regularly shave your pubic region, then you may experience razor burn or ingrown hairs. Naturally, both can be itchy and irritating. However, it’s worth noting that razor burn and ingrown hairs can bear a striking similarity to certain STD symptoms.
#4 Skin Conditions
Psoriasis, eczema, and lichen planus –– just to name a few –– are skin conditions that may or may not affect the genitals. These are not STDs, but they may appear like them in the form of itchy red bumps on the body. Individuals with any of these skin conditions should consult a doctor for treatment options.
#5 Pubic Lice & Scabies
Pubic lice, also known as “crabs” are notorious for causing itching, irritation, and red bumps on the pubic area. Similarly, scabies is an irritation of the skin characterized by small red bumps caused by minuscule mites that burrow under the skin and lay eggs. Though both pubic lice and scabies are unpleasant and often spread as a result of sexual contact, but they are not technically STDs. Rather, you can spread or catch pubic lice and/or scabies simply through close (not sexual) contact with another person. Talk to your doctor if you suspect you have either pubic lice or scabies.
#6 STDs
STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea often lead to itching, stinging, or burning sensations inside the vagina or penis. However, HPV and herpes also cause small itchy bumps to form on the pubic area. In addition, STD symptoms may “come and go.” So never assume that you’re STD-free simply because symptoms have disappeared.
Internal Itching
Itching on or around the genitals often originates for different reasons from itching within the vagina, penis, urethra, etc. As such, if you experience tingling or burning sensations during urination or intercourse, it could mean that you have some type of infection –– like a UTI, a yeast infection, or an STD.
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