Urethral Irritation & STDs: 5 Things You Need to Know
Pain in the urethra is about as unpleasant a condition as one could imagine. Unfortunately, several common STDs are associated with urethral irritation and urethritis. Urethritis is the condition in which the urethra becomes inflamed or irritated. Millions of Americans contract urethritis every year –– often as a result of STDs. As such, today we’re going to explain the common causes, symptoms, and treatments available for urethral irritation.
What STDs Cause Urethritis?
The most common STDs that cause pain in the urethra, urethritis, and dysuria are chlamydia and gonorrhea. These two STDs account for the majority of cases of STD-induced urethritis. What’s worse, it’s possible to contract both chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time.
In addition, trichomoniasis may lead to pain in the urethra. Occasionally, herpes or syphilis sores on the genitals can also contribute to pain in the urethra.
What are the Complications of Urethral Irritation?
Symptoms of urethritis include pain during urination and sexual intercourse. However, if left untreated, urethritis can cause a number of other issues. If urethritis occurs as the result of an STD, the infection can lead to conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease in women, which can in turn lead to infertility. In men, untreated STDs may cause epididymitis; this can lead to permanent fertility damage as well.
Untreated urethral irritation that is not caused by an STD can also bring about serious health complications including kidney damage or even sepsis.
Diagnosing Urethritis
Medical professionals can diagnose the cause of urethritis in several ways. Usually, doctors will begin with a physical examination. From there, anyone experiencing pain in the urethra should get tested for STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea. These tests are painless and simple, and the results usually come back within 1-3 days.
Treating Urethral Inflammation
The one silver lining associated with STDs like chlamydia or gonorrhea is that they can be treated and cured with antibiotics. Normally, treatment for bacterial STDs is straightforward. Note, always take all of the medication that your doctor prescribes. Sometimes the symptoms of an STD will lessen or disappear completely with time. This does not mean the STD has left your system, though.
Because urethral inflammation can occur for a number of different reasons –– ranging from UTIs to kidney stones –– correct diagnosis is key to proper treatment. Do not attempt to self diagnose based on symptoms like urethral inflammation. Without accurate testing, it’s impossible to precisely identify the cause of the pain.
Preventing Urethral Inflammation
There are several easy steps individuals can take to protect themselves against urethral inflammation. Some basic tips include staying hydrated, practicing good genital hygiene, and avoiding certain lotions or soaps. In order to prevent the spread of STDs, all sexually active individuals should:
- Get tested regularly.
- Get tested every time they engage with a new partner.
- Practice safe sex.
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