What are the Long-Term Effects of STDs?
In a perfect world, STDs wouldn’t exist. And while there are scientists and medical professionals dedicated to eradicating STDs completely, the truth is STDs won’t be going away anytime soon. In fact, just the opposite is true; STD rates have risen in recent years. As an individual you can only do so much to prevent the spread of STDs on a national (and global) level. However, you can control your own sexual wellness –– particularly when it comes to the lasting effects of STDs. What are the long-term effects of STDs? The answer depends on a few factors, which we’ll cover here:
STD Worst-Case Scenarios
STDs tend not to move all that quickly. Most worst-case scenarios involving STDs only occur after an individual has had an STD in their system for a long period of time. Still, considering that most people who have an STD don’t realize they have it, it’s easy to see how someone could unknowingly carry an STD for months or years at a time. For a full breakdown of the worst-case scenarios for a number of STDs, check out our blog on the subject here. In brief though, untreated STDs can cause permanent damage in a number of ways, including:
- Infertility
- Jaundice
- Blindness
- Loss of Motor Skills
- Paralysis
- Internal Bleeding
- Death
Do STDs Come Back?
Yes, it is possible to contract an STD a second time. However, most STDs don’t “come back” or reappear like other infections or ailments. Rather, STDs operate a little bit differently. Without treatment, STD symptoms will occasionally go away; but be warned, these “latent” or dormant periods don’t indicate that the disease has left your system.
With treatment, most bacterial and parasitic STDs can be cured fairly simply. There are a few things to note here even if you do seek proper medical treatment. First, always take the drugs your doctor prescribes for you –– don’t try and find antibiotics through other means. Different STDs require different treatments. Second, always take your medication for the duration of the prescription. If you stop taking your medication early, the STD could still persist within your system; so don’t quit until your doctor says so. And lastly, make sure to communicate with your partner(s) and to practice safe sex after you’ve been cured. Otherwise, you’ll open yourself up to the possibility of contracting an STD again.
Incurable STDs
The good news about many STDs is that if you receive treatment early enough, you’ll never have to worry about long-term consequences. Still, other STDs (viral ones, mostly) can’t be cured currently. As such, if you pick up an STD like herpes or HIV, you’ll have to deal with it for basically your entire life. Fortunately, you can deal with it. Just because you have an incurable STD, doesn’t mean you’re out of treatment options. The sooner you get diagnosed, the more can be done to mitigate the effects of these diseases –– in the short and long term.
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