What STDs are Incurable? (And What to Do if You Have One!)
Getting a positive STD test result is never a good thing. We won’t sugarcoat it, it can be difficult to deal with an STD –– no matter how severe or mild the health risk associated with it may be. However, it’s especially frightening to get the news that you’ve picked up an STD that’s incurable. After all, not every STD can be treated and eradicated with antibiotics or removed through other medical techniques. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect you and your partner from these STDs. Plus, we’ll walk you through the protocol for managing an incurable STD. But first, let’s answer the titular question: what STDs are incurable?
Incurable STDs
It’s time to define our terms. When we say that an STD is “curable,” we mean that it can be eradicated, i.e. removed, completely from your system. For instance, bacterial and parasitic STDs like chlamydia and trichomoniasis are curable. If you’d like to see a more in-depth post about curable STDs, check out our blog, here.
Viral STDs, unlike bacterial or parasitic STDs, will stay in your system regardless of medical procedure. (As we’ll explain later, this doesn’t mean you can’t live a full and healthy life with a viral STD; you can, and plenty of people already do!) Here then is a short list of common viral STDs that can’t be cured:
- Herpes (HSV-1 and HSV-2)
- Hepatitis B and C (Chronic cases)
Preventing Incurable STDs
The bad news about incurable STDs is that they typically spread just as easily as curable ones. In fact, herpes is one of the easiest STDs to unwittingly spread. You can transmit herpes through skin-to-skin contact –– so even something as innocuous as a kiss can act as a conduit for herpes.
Fortunately though, adhering to some basic health tips can help you avoid STDs of all kinds, They include:
- Abstaining from sexual activity.
- Practicing safe sex (with proper condom usage).
- Washing before/after intercourse.
- Getting vaccinated when possible. (Not all STDs have a vaccine.)
- Getting tested for STDs.
- Communicating with your partner.
Managing an Incurable STD
No one likes to think about the possibility of contracting a permanent STD. Still, it happens to people all the time. You can either accept the possibility and work to lower your risks, or you can bury your head in the sand and put you and every partner you associate with in dire straits. The choice is yours. Once you’re ready to take control of your well-being, consider following these steps:
- Get tested. Even if you don’t think you have an STD, all sexually active individuals should get tested regularly.
- Seek treatment. Once you know for sure what you’re up against, it’s time to speak to a medical professional and get the treatment you need. Remember, the sooner you get tested and start treating the disease, the more manageable it will likely prove.
- Follow your doctor’s instructions. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security if you haven’t exhibited any symptoms for weeks or even months at a time. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to stop taking your medication. Always listen to your doctor’s advice and follow their instructions as closely as possible.
- Communicate. Yes, it may be difficult to speak to your partner about a positive STD test, but it’s crucial that you do so.
- Stay positive. Just because you have an STD doesn’t mean your life is over; far from it. Remember to keep a positive frame of mind and work with your doctors as well as your friends and family.
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