What to do if Your STD Test is Negative, but You’re Still Worried
We’ve come a long way in terms of STD testing and treatment. For the most part, modern STD tests are extremely accurate and reliable. In almost all instances, STD tests deliver the correct results. However, mistakes can sometimes occur; false positives and negatives are an unfortunate possibility. Here, we’ll provide information for individuals who have had a negative STD test, but are still worried about their well-being. This is what you should do:
Review Your Tests
Not all facilities are able to test for every possible STD. Indeed, there are a number of unique STDs that require their own special test to detect. What’s more, some STD tests may not be able to identify certain forms of STDs. For instance, consider that gonorrhea can exist as an oral and a genital STD. As such, a urine sample, which is normally enough to detect the presence of gonorrhea, may not account for oral gonorrhea. Note also that a negative gonorrhea test does account for other STDs like chlamydia or syphilis. And vice versa. Make sure that you’ve been tested for all possible STDs –– as well as their variants.
Talk to Your Partner
STDs and STD testing are topics that partners need to discuss with each other. Unless you both get tested, there’s no way to know for sure that you’ll remain STD free. It’s entirely possible to test negative for an STD one day and contract an STD from your partner the next. Ask if they’ve experienced any symptoms and when they last visited a testing center. Sexual wellness requires cooperation between partners!
Consider the Alternatives
STDs are dangerous diseases in part because they mimic the side effects of other conditions. Common STD symptoms like abdominal pain, genital discharge, and bumps can all be caused by other conditions besides STDs. It’s very easy, for example, to confuse STDs with UTIs, yeast infections, or even genital acne. If STD-like symptoms persist even after a negative STD test, speak with a medical professional about other possible causes.
Get Tested Again
As we mentioned above, contemporary STD testing measures are very efficient and very precise. Yet, no test is 100% infallible. If you recently tested negative for an STD, but have continued to experience symptoms related to STDs, then don’t hesitate to get tested again. False negatives are extremely rare, but they do happen.
STDs are too dangerous to ignore. If you’re worried about your health for any reason, it’s important to take action to protect yourself. It’s always better to be safe than sorry and follow up testing helps!