When to Get Tested for STDs: Your Complete Guide
Most people would prefer never to think about STDs, STD testing, or STD contraction ever again. Burying your head in the sand and pretending that STDs don’t exist, however, won’t protect you from the dangers they present. Indeed, the much wiser decision is to educate yourself on STDs, and figure out when to get tested for STDs yourself. Fortunately, we’re here to help you out in that regard. Here are a few different scenarios that will let you know it’s time to visit a testing clinic near you:
Before or After Sex with a New Partner
Any time you have sex with someone new, it’s important to get tested for STDs. Even if you use a condom, some STDs can still spread from skin-to-skin contact. What’s more, “sex” in this instance refers to all forms of sexual contact –– including anal and oral sex. Individuals who have sex with multiple partners should get screened for STDs at least once a year.
Consider also that many people take the proactive step to get tested with a new partner before engaging in intercourse. This is obviously a smart decision that will help ensure both your well-being and your partner’s.
After Unprotected Sex
If you’ve had unprotected sex, then you’re at risk for picking up an STD. As mentioned above, condoms aren’t 100% effective at preventing STD transmission –– but they do significantly lower the possibility. Remember also, men who have sex with men are more likely to contract STDs than other members of the population. According to the CDC, more than half of new HIV cases occur among men who have sex with men.
Before and During Pregnancy
If you or your partner are trying to get pregnant, it’s imperative to get tested for STDs first. Left untreated, many STDs can cause serious birth complications, among other issues. Also, pregnant women should get tested for STDs during their gestation period as well –– especially if they have sex while pregnant.
After Symptoms Appear
It may sound silly to visit a testing clinic after STD symptoms appear, but it’s dangerous to either 1) ignore the symptoms completely, or 2) try to diagnose the problem yourself. Failing to treat STDs early can lead to a myriad of health problems down the line, even if the symptoms dissipate. Furthermore, you should never assume that you know which STD you’ve contracted. Always check with a medical professional first because the treatment methods for STDs can vary significantly –– despite the fact that their outward symptoms are similar.
On a Regular Schedule
Exactly how often a person should get tested for STDs depends largely on their behaviors. Most sexually active individuals should visit a testing clinic at least once a year, but that’s not a hard-and-fast rule. If you’ve had an STD in the past, for instance, you need to get tested more often since the possibilities of contracting a second STD after you’ve had one are much greater. (The same goes for individuals who participate in “high-risk” sexual activities or who share needles.) Lastly, everyone should get tested for HIV at least once in their life. Many STDs, HIV included, can remain asymptomatic for months or even years. Getting tested can help protect your health when no symptoms manifest.
STDs can affect anyone at any age, which is why it’s important to protect your well-being through regular STD tests. You’re never “too young” or “too old” to catch an STD.
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Yes its completely right to take clear diagnosis of STDs from a doctor rather than doing self-diagnosis, because people may consider a little change as not an STD. Yes, of course the timings which have been mentioned here are right, that is when to have a diagnosis for STD.